Name Lore

My name is quite unique. No-one I've met has ever heard of that name before, and I have no real idea what it means. When I was little my Mum told me it meant that I was "cute like a doll" but I'm preeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure that's not true.

Why My Parents Named Me This

There is some "backstory" behind why I have this name. There was a significant age-gap (around 20 years) between my Mother and Father. My paternal grandparents were unsure how serious my Mother was about the relationship. As a gesure of commitment, she said that she would name their first child after one of them. I'm a girl, so they gave me my paternal grandmother's name. Also I was the first girl my Dad had after three boys, so this was a bit of a surprise to everyone.

The Origins of the Name

When I search the name on FB I sometimes see people from countries like Malawi and Angola show up. These are quite some distance away from Northern Uganda, which is where my parents are from. My Dad told me that many men on his side of the family were warriors. He is part of the Lango tribe, and they would sometimes assist the neighbouring Bunyoro-Kitara tribe in their conflicts with the Buganda tribe of the South (who are the ones that gave the country its name). In exchange for their help, these warriors would then be given Buntyoro-Kitara women to wife up. So it seems like that may have played a part in how my name travelled. However, I still have no bleeping idea what it means. Still, I think this is a cool story. If you know me, then you know that I mention my "warrior blood" in my social media bios here and there.