Random Thoughts


If it's true that dancing envolved as a way of signalling to potential mates that you know how to move your body and your waist rhythmically (sounds like a transferrable skill, right?!), then proudly telling people you're bad at dancing like it's this cute and adorkable thing is...unwise. Yet geeky/nerdy types do this all the time! Why don't they have the sense to be embarassed?!

Avatar 2

Everyone accused James Cameron of ripping off other stories in the first Avatar. For the second film he decided to switch things up by ripping off himself.

Book Summary Apps

Book summary apps are the human centipede of reading -- you are getting what someone else has processed. The fact that they are gaining popularity suggests that things are going wrong. Maybe too many of us are time poor.

Pissed at My Mum

I was playing Viscera Cleanup Detail, but then my Mum told me to get off the computer so that I could mop the bathroom. Argh!